Monday 23 January 2017


There are so many a time you might have come across people symbolize human body as a machine. If not treated with care, it breaks down. Well, it is true. Keeping yourself fit and healthy is indispensable and needs to be dealt with seriously. We often ignore the important of Fitness, whereas undoubtedly fitness is essential for excellent performance of the body. Fit energetic people possess a lot of stamina and resistance in their bodies and can persistently carry out various tasks without getting tired sooner. Though there are certain rules for one to tag along in order to maintain fitness and Good Health.



Remember, the food you eat determines what you are! This means that your health can be reasonably judged by the kind of food you eat. Make it a habit of eating the right food and in the correct amount. Mainly, human body stays fit if a person adds fresh fruits and vegetables (anytime at breakfast, lunch or dinner) to his diet chart. Wheat, Rice, meat –then again, considered healthiest foods – should be made an essential component of the diet. One should always bear in mind that the intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals should all be in a proper proportion. Want to keep the doctor away, have an apple everyday!

Not just that, try to maintain a proper timing of taking the meal every day. Skipping meals - which now has become a common habit in many - may lead to devastating effects. If possible a dietician may be consulted for marinating a balanced diet, with all the essential nutrients.


Adopt exercising in your daily routine. It should be made an integral part of your every day life. There are plenty of exercises. But right exercises at the right time will only result in eventual body fitness. Fitness experts recommend doing exercises early in the morning since your body is fresh and relaxed after a good night’s sleep. 
Commonly recommended exercises include Forward bend, Side stretch, Push ups, Front press and others. Apart from these, early morning walk, swimming, cycling, skiing, jogging even dancing are considered some good methods of exercising.

• Sports- As the proverb goes ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ It specifies that games and sports in a person’s life are as indispensable as eating food and breathing air. You don’t have to know many sports for this purpose. Even if you outshine at any one particular type of sport which can be anything like Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Rugby etc. you can get a way with it! 
There is not better exercise than playing sports.


When we talk about fitness, it just doesn’t refer to your physical being, keeping the mind fit is equally important for a healthy being. The suggested method to keep your mental health perfect is by reducing your work load and pressure, since it can be very distressful and disturbing. So to keep the mental condition calm, quiet and energetic, meditation is required. Just try it and you will never be at a loss! Consider doing Yoga for a change. Yoga just not helps you remain physically fit. It provides you a greater degree of mental relaxation.Your body is God’s gift to you. So cherish it and take care of your well-being. Stay hale and hearty and enjoy your, life to the fullest.

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